Sunday, May 27, 2007

The EKOSSK Book Club: Premiere Edition

Look out Oprah, because here comes the EKOSSK (Eric "King Of Sing" So Karaoke) Book club!! And first up, as evidenced by his behaviour on vacation is Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion".

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The King of Sing Does The King of Pop

Oh, how I'm sure Eric wants that headline to be literal.

Anyways, here's one last update before the King goes on his world tour, which I have dubbed "THE ERIC "KING OF SING" SO KARAOKE SUPER MEGA HAPPY ASIAN WORLD TOUR 2007"

The King was absolutely on fire this night as he not only requested one of the more difficult Michael Jackson songs, he asked to sing it dry, without vocal help or backing music track! Because let's face it, the real vocal track would just be a distraction for someone with Eric's talent.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007